Prison Outreach

Restoring value, purpose and hope to the rejected and outcast.

Brave's prison projects are all built upon the foundation of redemption - that every person, regardless of how broken, has inherent worth and incredible potential that can be unlocked by the love of Jesus. We share the message of hope in Jesus and provide for the inmates immediate needs through provision packs and medicines, whilst also offering skills training and education programs equipping them with a sense of purpose and value as part of their hope for the future.

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About Prison Outreach

The opportunity for prison outreach arose in 2018 when we were invited to reach out to the inmates of Pursat prison. We are thankful for the favor upon Brave Ministry as we have established good relationships with various partners and authorities which have enabled us to continue seeing lives affected by imprisonment restored.

Prison Ministry has always been on our hearts as the mandate behind Brave Ministry comes from Luke 4:18-19

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”

Although their physical bodies are imprisoned, we know many hearts have been set free by the beautiful gospel of grace and redemption.

We are so grateful for these open doors and we look forward to seeing more lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

The Model

To improve the health and well-being of prisoners through the provision of medicines, clean water, basic needs and various programs.